Do you love animals? Do you have fond memories of playing tug-of-war with the oxen, or petting the horses' noses? Now you can sponsor your favorite Old World Wisconsin breed.
OWW's heritage breed livestock receive the best nutritious food, veterinary care, and attention. However, costs of daily care consume a large part of Old World Wisconsin's budget. When you Sponsor one of Old World's breeds - either in your own name, or as a gift to someone else - be assured that the animal you've chosen will receive the benefit of your contribution. With your help, we can expand the Heritage Breed Livestock program at Old World Wisconsin. Thank you!
Level 1 - $150.00
A gift of $150.00 can purchase 2 months of bedding, either straw for livestock or wood shavings for animals at Animal Encounters and/or the OWW chickens to keep them dry and comfortable. You will receive a certificate of sponsorship and 12-15 e-newsletters annually to keep you informed of happenings at OWW.
Level 2 - $300.00
A gift of $300.00 can purchase a one-time farrier service for the horses or annual vaccinations for the OWW pigs. In addition to the Level 1 benefits, you will receive an Old World Wisconsin string bag and an invitation to our annual Friends Appreciation Day at OWW.
Level 3 - $500.00
A gift of $500.00 can purchase additional small heritage breed animals, or a load of gravel to keep the animal paths dry, or new gates, feed, or veterinary care. In addition to the Level 1 and 2 benefits, you will receive a plush heritage animal; either a Java Chicken or Kerry Oxen.
Your gift of any amount is appreciated and can be combined with other gifts to make a significant impact on the animals at Old World Wisconsin.
Please indicate the animal breed you would like to sponsor on the donation form: SPONSOR AN ANIMAL AT OWW form.
Animals Available For Sponsorship
Animals may be sponsored by more than one person. You will be sponsoring the species of animal, not an individual animal.
Animals remain at OWW, under the care of the professional staff. Your tax deductible donation will help to care for the animals of Old World Wisconsin.
No ownership rights are conferred by sponsoring an animal. Animals may not be on exhibit at all times, based on plans and weather conditions.
For more information on our "Sponsor an Animal" program, please call 262-594-2922.